I have been working in television for many years now, my first presenting job was in 2001 interviewing bands and pop artists at Party in the Park. Since then, I have loved my varied and exciting work, presenting everything from beauty to cars, red carpet interviews to corporate videos. I have gained thousands of hours of live TV, pre-recorded, voiceover, training and events experience.
I have been a regular on shopping TV network QVC since 2006 and I currently present a range of beauty brands here in the UK and also in Italy. In more recent years, this work has taken me to QVC US and Germany too which has been a lot of fun (and airmiles!). I no longer travel to the States but I just love being based in my home country and in Europe.
I have learned to adapt my presenting style over the years to the projects I’m working on and I’m just as comfortable in a suit doing a corporate video as I am in a glamourous dress live on air or on the red carpet!
You can see more details about who I’ve worked with and for here on my website and in my blog I will share some backstage and behind the scenes photos and stories as well as some ramblings about life.
In 2009 I trained as a life coach specialising in wellbeing and empowerment and I absolutely loved it. This prompted me to work with clients wanting to improve on confidence, presenting, personal branding for their businesses and public speaking. I have trained hundreds of candidates in big auditoriums for beauty brands and also groups in retail stores and individuals on a one-to-one basis and I like to think that I help people to find their passion and inner performer but ultimately to feel good about themselves.
Originally, I am from a small town in north Yorkshire and although I moved to London aged 20, I still feel my northern roots are strong. I love to visit my family regularly and to get out into the beautiful countryside as often as I can. My other passions are yoga and taking trips with my lovely hubby – and of course catching up with girlfriends over a cuppa (or glass of wine) you can’t beat it!